Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Stop in for ideas to freshen up your outdoor decor!

A Gardener's Favorite 🏵️
Perennials have long been favorites of avid gardeners. They are popular due to their longevity (many types will re-emerge for twenty years or more) and their relatively easy care. True perennials are plants that live from one year to the next after a winter die back. You may find that biennials (two year life cycle) and some tuberous rooted plants will all be clumped together as “perennials”.

No Guarantee
One thing that needs to be stressed is that even with the hardiest of perennials, there is no guarantee. From one year to the next, it is common to lose a plant or two after the winter. This can be attributed to many factors including freeze/thaw/freeze cycles, Fall/Winter drought periods, and rodents or disease to name a few. In addition, flowering perennials are plants that as a general rule have a bloom period. We usually tell customers that this can range from two weeks to eight weeks (of course there are exceptions). Usually perennial plants will be classified as “spring blooming, “late spring-early summer blooming”, “summer blooming” and “late summer-fall blooming”.
Amount of Care Varies
As a “heads up” to novice gardeners, perennials are not totally “care free”. Some people think that these tough plants can be treated with the “plant ‘em and forget ‘em” mentality. While there are some species that are fairly easy to maintain (Hostas for instance), others will require fertilization, dividing, deadheading, and general garden maintenance to keep them thriving and beautiful.

Largest Selection Locally
Boehler's carries one of the largest selections of perennials in the area. Every year we try to grow some of the new and exciting varieties that are available, while also carrying the favorites. Due to limited quantities of specific varieties, we do not name each individual variety available at this time.
If you are looking for a specific plant or variety or have any questions, please contact us.